Family Farming is Alive and Well in Oklahoma

We are a welcoming community and here to help any business wishing to relocate. Through personal support and site location assistance, we make it easy to move to Enid. There are numerous incentives, financing opportunities and advantages for businesses locating in Oklahoma.

Vance AFB Receives Award

Vance Air Force Base is located in Enid and pilots come from all over the country to be trained here. There is a deep partnership between Enid and Vance AFB that spans decades and has created numerous opportunities for the city, community, and those stationed here....

Oklahoma is the Right Place for Energy Business

To put this in perspective, Oklahoma has enough wind to power ten percent of the country’s energy needs. Simultaneously, we are the eighth best state in the country for the capacity to produce solar-energy.

You’ll Love It Here

We have passed $215 million in bonds to invest in our school system to ensure that students have access to the latest technology, updated classrooms, sports and performing arts facilities, and are looking to increase that investment.

If You Love Art, Move to Enid

You don’t have to live in a major city or on the coast to be in a community who values art. In Enid, we have a fiercely creative side and have invested in bringing more art to our community.