A Piece of the Enid Puzzle
When putting a puzzle together, it is essential to have all of the pieces to complete the picture. Each individual in Enid is a piece in the puzzle to make our city grow, and we must come together to put together to create our Complete Count picture for the upcoming Census.
Why the puzzle is important: The Complete Count puzzle doesn’t just show us how many pieces are in Enid but, can make a significant impact on our community. The Census data determines funding for hospitals, fire departments, roads, and many other resources we depend on. The Census also determines the number of seats each state will have in the U.S. House of Representatives. It is estimated that each person counted in the Census brings $1,600 in funding for our community. In 2020 we expect Enid to have grown from a population of 49,379 to over 52,000 – let’s make sure we are all counted to ensure we get our share of funding.
How to Place your Piece of the puzzle: Every home will receive an invitation to participate in the Census by April 1, 2020. This time, there will be an option for people to respond online. You can also participate by phone or mail. After April 1, Census workers will be going door-to-door to follow up with those who did not respond. As always, your information is held confidentially and is not shared with any other organization.
Helping others find their spot in the puzzle: As Census Day approaches, please help us by:
- Join the official Garfield County Complete Count Committee
- Follow the Complete Count Census 2020 – Garfield County, OK Facebook page and share posts
- Sign up to be a Census Taker by visiting 2020census.gov/jobs
- Complete your Census information by April 1, 2020
- Remind family, friends, and co-workers to participate
If you need information to share with your business, neighbors, community organization or church about the benefits of the Census email Trent Misak at Trent@growenid.com or visit www.2020census.gov.