Enid has ranked 11th among the top small cities to start a business, according to one study.
More than 1,200 small cities — with populations between 25,000 and 100,000 — were compared in the study performed by WalletHub, a personal-finance website.
Ranking ahead of Enid are Holland, Mich.; St. George, Utah; Aberdeen, S.D.; Wilson, N.C.; Cheyenne, Wyo.; Clearfield, Utah; Ogden, Utah; Bismarck, N.D.; Bozeman, Mont.; and Fort Myers, Fla.
Other Oklahoma cities making it onto the list are Shawnee at 17th, Muskogee at 27th, Midwest City at 44th, Ponca City at 58th, Edmond at 66th, Stillwater at 74th, Bartlesville at 111th, Moore at 122nd, Owasso at 231st and Lawton at 267th.
Story by: Enid News & Eagle
Written by: Jessica Miller