Main Street Enid is thrilled to announce that their first $10,000 Competitive Facade Renovation
Reimbursement Grant has been awarded, with the help of History Maker donations and matching funds
from Enid Regional Development Alliance and Edward Jones. For the last year, even through the pandemic,
Alex Evers, owner of Family Martial Arts has been working hard on renovating his building’s facade. Evers
purchased the building in 2019 with the intention of bringing it back to life and providing a space for people
of all ages to learn martial arts. Evers worked with Main Street Enid and The Oklahoma Main Street Center
architect, Josh Kunkel with Method Group in Tulsa, for guidance on keeping the historical integrity of his
building while renovating it.

What was once a worn down building at 211 E. Broadway, is now a beautifully rehabilitated space that adds
to our historic Downtown District. Main Street Enid Director Natalie Beurlot says “Evers sets an example for
the district by following the Main Street approach to restore his building’s historical features, while improving
the downtown district.

About Facade Renovation Reimbursement Grants
Uncovering original facades allows all of us to enjoy the historic look of our beautiful buildings. Opening
boarded-up windows adds new life, repainting with appropriate colors helps preserve the historic integrity
and awnings add shade for increased walkability.

Main Street Enid Facade Renovation Reimbursement Grants are available thanks to Edward Jones, the
Enid Regional Development Alliance, and the History Makers who have donated. The annual campaign
normally runs August-November and any individual can donate $100 or more. ERDA and Edward Jones
match those donations up to $5000 each, allowing Main Street Enid to grant $15,000 or more to facade

Main Street Enid offers two grants, an On-Going and a Competitive. The on-going grant can be awarded at
any time during the year for awnings, window replacements, paint jobs and other small renovations up to
$2,500. One competitive grant is awarded per year up to $10,000. Gaslight Theatre is next in line to receive
$10,000 in August for their Turpin facade renovation. Due to COVID, last year’s campaign was cancelled but
will be reintroduced in August of this year. More information can be found at

Press Release Provided by Main Street Enid