Construction is set to be completed for the Manor on Willow affordable housing project by the end of this year unless there are delays.
Principal of Belmont Management Derrick Hamilton said the goal completion date is Dec. 15 for the project being built at 1410 W. Willow.
No major delays have been seen in the construction.
“Mainly it’s just rain is probably really the only thing that has delayed (the project) since we got started,” Hamilton said. “That is pretty typical of all the projects we have going on in Oklahoma right now.”
Since the Manor on Willow is an affordable housing project, the paper to qualify to live there is only good for 120 days.
Hamilton said once he gets inside of that 120 day window from the completion date the Manor will begin to accept applications.
“We will probably have a leasing trailer on site probably early in the fall with the manager to start taking applications,” Hamilton said.
The Manor on Willow housing project offers 50% and 60% housing, which means you must make 50-60% of the official government “housing wage” standard to live in the Manor.
One-bedroom housing for a tenant who makes 50% of area median income will pay $520 per month for rent. The rate for one-bedroom 60% housing is $639 per month.
Two-bedroom housing for a 50% tenant will be $622 per month, for 60% it will be $766 per month.
Three-bedroom housing for a 50% tenant will be $718 per month. For a 60% tenant it will be $884 per month.
One-bedroom apartments are 764 square feet, two-bedroom apartments are 1,046 square feet and three-bedroom apartments are 1,191 square feet.
Article by: Jet Turner – Enid News & Eagle
Photo by: Billy Hefton