Krista Roberts arrived in Enid 28 years ago ready to begin her professional career. “My first job with St. Mary’s was an entry level clinical position. From there, I moved through the clinical ladder and into Business Development and Physician Recruitment. Next, I led Operations of the hospital and now I’m humbled and honored to be leading the same organization as CEO.
“This is a community where all of us working together create an incredible synergy that makes great things happen.” – Krista Roberts
Enid has been a tremendous community for my husband and me to advance our careers and raise our daughter.” She says, “Enid is recognized as a medical hub for northwest Oklahoma because of the depth of services and reputation for high quality healthcare.”
Finny Mathew was also introduced to Enid early in his career while working for Integris Health of Oklahoma City. “Enid was always known for having well respected, progressive hospitals that provided quality care and great community outreach,” he recalls.
After leaving Oklahoma for several years to pursue career development opportunities, his return last year as Integris Bass Baptist Health Center’s president was like coming home. “Enid has lots of excellent schools to choose from and wonderful recreational opportunities for the kids, such as Leonardo’s Children’s Museum, multiple pools and parks, festivals and parades, even big-time bands and entertainers who perform at the event center downtown. It seems like there’s always something going on that’s family friendly,” he says.
Both leaders cite being involved in nonprofit, charity and community events – side by side with their families – as one of the best things about life in Enid.
“Even though we work for different facilities, we share an obligation to provide the best care possible, not just for the city, but the entire region.” – Finny Mathew