Somewhere in NW Oklahoma there is a blade of grass not growing in a pasture because an Eastern Redcedar is growing there instead. If we can find ways to eliminate cedars and grow more grass in our pastures allowing for more calves to graze, we will be growing the economy of NW Oklahoma. We should do that.
Somewhere in NW Oklahoma there is a drop of oil way down under the surface of our soil that is just sitting there undisturbed. If we can find ways to make sure we bring that drop to the surface at some point, we will be growing the economy of NW Oklahoma. We should do that.
Somewhere in NW Oklahoma there is a gust of wind blowing across a field that isn’t turning a single wind turbine blade. If we can turn more of that wind into electricity, we will be growing the economy of NW Oklahoma. We should do that.
Somewhere in NW Oklahoma there is a ray of sunshine that has traveled millions of miles and will fall to the ground without striking a single solar panel. If we can increase our competitiveness as a state and turn more of those rays into power, we will be growing the economy of NW Oklahoma. We should do that.
Somewhere in NW Oklahoma there is a field of wheat turning from green to gold before our eyes. If we can find ways to turn that grain into flour and dough instead of just loading it on a truck or train, we will be growing the economy of NW Oklahoma. We should do that.
And somewhere in NW Oklahoma there is a young person graduating from high school and making decisions on where they will go next. If we can show them that educational and career opportunities are abundant in our region, they can stay here and help us grow the economy of NW Oklahoma. We should do that.
Our state and our region have incredible natural resources that could launch us upward toward an even stronger economy. The Enid Regional Development Alliance is aggressively finding ways to add value to them. We need to fully utilize our pastures, our fossil fuels, our wind, our sunshine, our ag commodities, and our kids. If we accomplish all of this, we will be growing the economy of NW Oklahoma.
We should do that.
Brent Kisling
Executive Director