Wind developers work with Vance
There are no current issues concerning wind turbines encroaching on low-level military training routes in Vance air space.
I called the base within the past week just to make sure.
When a wind developer in our region begins to identify an area for development, one of their first meetings is with Vance. They share their plans for development and the personnel at Vance overlays that plan with our local training routes. When there is a conflict, the wind developers have always changed their plans to accommodate the planes.
The issue that needs solved by our Legislature between wind energy and military bases is not fixing something that has already happened. The issue that we need to address is how we as a state stop a “bad actor.” Currently, our state does not have a way to stop development in a military training route except through the Department of Defense Clearing House in D.C. This clearing house is only concerned about pilot safety and not maintaining a competitive advantage as a state. Today, Vance’s top competitive advantage is that we have well protected air space. We need to make sure that is preserved.
Brent Kisling
ERDA Executive Director