The Made in Oklahoma Coalition announced that the winner of the second annual Restaurant of the Year contest was the Boomerang Diner, located in 43 Oklahoma towns. The company is committed to using ingredients produced in Oklahoma.
Eleven restaurants were eligible for the award. Nearly 11,000 people voted in the fan-based contest. Boomerang Diner co-owner Steve Degraffenreid said that the diner had been using Made in Oklahoma (MIO) products from the first day of business, over 25 years ago, when his father founded the business. “If you order a chicken-fried steak in our restaurants, know that it’s made here in Oklahoma. Using MIO products keeps business and money in our state.” Enid’s Boomarang Diner is located downtown at 226 W. Randolph. (Pictured is Governor Fallin meeting with the Made in Oklahoma Coalition.)
Story by: Enid News & Eagle